Lady Jennifer Clarke Leighton

Sometimes i just don't know how lucky i am...

Thursday 11 August 2011

Birthday girl

Well it was my birthday yesterday and i was the big 27. I no what your thinking, i don't look 27 lol and the cleaner at work today said she thought i was "19 or 20" lol i could of kissed her..
The day started great by opening all my presents in bed with Dave, he got me sooo much stuff but the big present was a cute pink new phone. I'm in love... Then i needed to head to work, Everybody said happy birthday but no presents, well i have only been there aweek lol.. I headed home and it was raining so badly so natty met me off the train and give me a left home which was great cos i didn't get wet yay.. Then when i got home dave come home from work and Sara, Arron and Evie popped around to drop off my present then we got glammed up and Dave took me out for a birthday meal. It was lovely, we both eaten way to much, so when we got home we was so sleepy, Bed time before 10.30pm All in all good day!!!!

Sunday 7 August 2011

The story of Brian...

When i was 21 all i wanted was a dog, but when i was 21 i still lived at home with my mum, dad and sister, so a dog was never gonna happen. In there defence a dog would of been alot of hard work. Needless to say my parents didn't go for the idea of me getting a dog, so after weeks of acting like a brat i decided to go for something else A cat!!!! I wanted one as soon as i decided so i told me animal loving sister-in-law Carol to keep her eye out for kittens.
It was on a Saturday morning when i got the call, it was Carol "there are some kittens in the pet shop down the road, what do you think?, do you want me to get you one?". With out thinking "YES!!!"... The next minute my brother David and Carol walked though the door with alittle box in there hand. I couldn't wait to get the box open. I sat down on the floor with the box with my mum going mad on one side of me and my sister saying over and over again "i don't like cats, i don't like cats!" on the other side. I opened the box and out popped the cutes little head i have ever seen, there was this little black and white ball of fluff and needless to say it was love at first sight...

Now don't get me wrong over the past 5 almost 6 years Brian has put me and my family though more than you could ever imagine but thought it all my love has never changed. So i don't care what anyone says, that cat is my little baby and yes i no, "its only an animal" but hes my animal and i love him...

Saturday 6 August 2011

The girls!!!

Hannah, Sara, Nat and Donna..

A new start!

Well what can i say about the last couple of days. I started my new job on wednesday and all went well, there was alot to take and by home time my head was a mess but by friday i felt like i was getting into the groove of it. The people are nice and im working with a guy named josh, He's only 19, but has so many stories and he makes the days go so fast. All in all im enjoying it.

Once fridays working day was done we all dressed up to bid a sad farewell to 3 of our great friends who are heading out into the big wide world. Dan his girlfriend Donna and her sister Jane are heading off on an adventure of a lifetime, back packing.. Although it was sad for us all to say goodbye to 3 people that we all care about, i no that this for them is going to be a life changing thing and im so happy that there doing it.. So to Dan, Donna and Jane Hope you have an amazing time, be safe and i cant wait to hear all your stories when you get back. Enjoy it xxx... (in the top pics Jane in the dress and Donna in the green top, bottom pic Dan)

Monday 1 August 2011

The job hunt part 2

Well today was another busy day for me! Its monday and im writing this at 11.11pm. My day started at 8:40am after sleeping though my alarm. I should of been up at 7:30am but i wasnt. i jumped out of bed noing that i had an interview in Manchester at 12noon. After rushing around for what felt like 5hours, i was out the house at 10am. I got into town about 11am so i found the place and decided to wait around till it was time for the interview! Thank god Dave had the day off today, as he come along with me and he was great keepin my mind of how much i was shitting it. As the time got closer i started to walk over to the door and pulled the handle and it began!
There is no greater feeling than coming out of an interview!!
I start on wednesday, so i'll let you no how it goes! Shitting it all over again now lol..... x

My crazy weekend

Will what a mad weekend, It all started on Friday with John and laura's wedding. All our friends got dressed up to show there love to our great friends john and laura. After almost 10years together they are now man and wife. It was an amazing day! and it didnt rain. Dave was a usher along with Tom and johns little brother. They all looked soooo cute in there suits. We all danced the night away and then all headed to a travel lodge were 2 couples shared one room FUN... Poor Tom ended up sleeping on what could only be call a crash mat!!! NICE!!
Saturday morning we made our way home from the travel lodge, and before i know it we were heading back out so dave could go to the pub to watch the manchester city match. As dave went off to the pub with tom and toms brother in law, i stayed at nats with nat and toms sister! I wont fully myself as i was so sleepy from the day before but we all managed to have a good afternoon! When the boys got back from the pub, me and dave headed home and decided to have a BBQ for our tea. It was AMAZING!

Sunday was here and another busy day. My sister in-law Carol was holding a charity event for huntingtons. The event started at 2pm so me, dave, and our family's all made our way there to show our support. Also showing there support were our amazing friends Arron and Sara and there cute little girl Evie, and Tom and Nat. It was a great day and Carol did an amazing job long with all the people that helped her along the way.. She managed to raise £1227.50!!! WELL DONE CAROL..