Lady Jennifer Clarke Leighton

Sometimes i just don't know how lucky i am...

Saturday 6 August 2011

A new start!

Well what can i say about the last couple of days. I started my new job on wednesday and all went well, there was alot to take and by home time my head was a mess but by friday i felt like i was getting into the groove of it. The people are nice and im working with a guy named josh, He's only 19, but has so many stories and he makes the days go so fast. All in all im enjoying it.

Once fridays working day was done we all dressed up to bid a sad farewell to 3 of our great friends who are heading out into the big wide world. Dan his girlfriend Donna and her sister Jane are heading off on an adventure of a lifetime, back packing.. Although it was sad for us all to say goodbye to 3 people that we all care about, i no that this for them is going to be a life changing thing and im so happy that there doing it.. So to Dan, Donna and Jane Hope you have an amazing time, be safe and i cant wait to hear all your stories when you get back. Enjoy it xxx... (in the top pics Jane in the dress and Donna in the green top, bottom pic Dan)

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