Lady Jennifer Clarke Leighton

Sometimes i just don't know how lucky i am...

Saturday 11 January 2014

So, So much has happened since my last post on here... Well now I live in Germany.. Yeah you heard me right Germany. Me and Dave moved here in November, Its been a crazy pasted couple of months.
So lets go back to May 2013.. One day I went to work like normal and was told the company I worked for was closing down!!! I could kind of believe it but at the same time I couldn’t. Shit I was out of work.....
June 2013.. After weeks of looking for work Dave told me that he had found a new role which he would like to have a go at... IN GERMANY. We always knew that this would be our next move, we just didn’t think it would happen so fast.
July 2013... Dave had been for the interview and got the job.. As this was all going on I was still looking for work but half-heartedly..
August 2013... We got a flight out to Germany so Dave could met his new team and so we could have a look around the area and see which area we wanted to live in.
September 2013... Still no paper work signed so we decided not to tell our family’s just yet..
October 2013.. We told our family and everyone was so happy for us. My job hunt was well out the window at this point.
November 2013.. Moved out of our house into a hotel for a week then got a flight out to Germany to live.