Lady Jennifer Clarke Leighton

Sometimes i just don't know how lucky i am...

Thursday 22 September 2011


So a lot has happened since my birthday and I mean A LOT.

Where to begin? It was the beginning of another working week but this time I was looking forward to Friday even more than usual. On Friday the 2nd of September 2011, it was going to be mine and Dave’s 5th anniversary together and I couldn’t wait. I couldn’t help myself but ride Dave all week about what we were going to do to mark this occasion, and like a true romantic Dave said “Nothing, its no big deal”. After hearing him say that over and over again I asked myself “Are you kidding me?” Everybody who knows me, knows that I like to mark special occasions in some way or another and ‘doing nothing’ was not going to cut it with me.

After days of wearing him down, he finally said “Fine, fine we can get a take-away or something” and after all my hard work I decided to throw in the towel and yes “Yeah that’s cool with me” And it was, after all maybe he was right “its no big deal”…

The morning of our anniversary had arrived and as my alarm went off all I could think was “One more get up, till I can have a lie-in”. As I turned over Dave was already sat up in bed. I couldn’t believe it, as I’m always first up every morning. “What are you doing up?” “I wanted to give you your card”…. “SHIT” A week of my bitching about him doing something for us and I forget to get a card. I can safely say “I’m a bitch”.

 “Orr thanks baby, but I thought we were not doing cards” “Well I wanted to get you one” Dave said.  I remember pulling myself up in bed and Dave telling me to put the lamp on, so I did and then I opened my card…

I would tell you want was written inside word for word but Dave would kill me. So here’s just a little bit:  “I had a word with your boss about 3 weeks ago and asked him if you could have today off and he said yes. So that means no school for you today baby. Also you need to pack an overnight bag as I’m taking you away for the night, back to the hotel where we spent or first valentines day together”.
OMG… I couldn’t believe it. A week of me bitching and moaning non-stop and the whole time he had all this planned, AMAZING.

Before I knew it we were in the car on the way to the lakes for our anniversary. The weather wasn’t great but I was so happy I didn’t care that it was raining a little bit. As we got closer to the hotel Dave told me that check-in wasn’t till 2pm, and it was only about 12.45pm and I was like “So what are we gonna do till then” Dave answered “I have something planned”. I had no idea what, but I couldn’t wait to find out.

Back in 2007 on our first valentines together we spent one night in an amazing hotel in the Lakes and the next morning, (the morning of us going home) we decided to go for a walk up this big, and I mean big, hill. As we got to the top, there stood the ruins of a castle! It was breathtaking and I loved it. So back to now and that’s where Dave was taking me. I had no idea of this until we drove around the corner and the castle was in my sight.
“Orr baby, the castle” I couldn’t believe that he remember how much I loved it and how much it meat to me the first time round.

We pulled our warm asses out of the warm car, and got ready to pull ourselves up the big (and I mean big!) hill to the castle. As I had no idea where we were going I deffo didn’t pack the right shoes or clothes for hiking in the rain lol..

As we got to the top I remembered how amazing it was and I felt so happy to be back here with Dave again. As it was a Friday and raining there was no-one around so we had the castle to ourselves. Well us and a dog walker way over the other side. I couldn’t wait to get up into the tower to take some photos of the views. I got my camera out and got a bit snap-happy. Poor Dave – I made him recreate an old photo that I had from the first time we came, and bless him he did it for me.

I was loving taking lots of photos and as I was taking one when everything around me suddenly went very dead. It was like someone just pressed the mute button. I began to turn around to see where Dave had gone and as I turned around there Dave was down on one knee with a stunning ring in his hand asking me to marry him. Needless to say I was shocked! My hand went straight to my face and the waterworks began and of course I said YES..

He’s always called me his princess and popping the question in a princess tower in a castle, definitely made me feel like a princess that day. The rest of the day and night was great and not that I didn’t already know it, but what an amazing man my Dave really is.